Masprep is the natural alternative with a good success rate and no milk withdrawal period after use. Keeping it simple, naturally.
Masprep Tubes
- Natural mastitis tubes.
- no withdrawal.
- Approved for organic farming.
Thoroughly milk out the offending quarter and apply two tubes of Masprep followed by one tube twice daily until the milk is clear. It is always advisable to massage the affected quarter with a mint cream. Once the milk is clear it can then go straight into the tank, with no withdrawal period.
Useful Information
- A muscle rub helps by drawing the contents of Masprep tube to the infected area which is usually at the top of the quarter. It also helps draw blood to this infected area which helps the white blood cells circulate and fight the infection.
- When mastitis infections get established it causes the milking producing “aveloi” cells to swell and thus preventing the blood flow to this area, hindering the animals natural healing.
- It is difficult to treat infections whilst cow is in high milk production as the milk flow is down and out of the quarter twice daily, making it hard for any treatment to reach the area of infection.
- For cows high in SCC this treatment method, a muscle rub and Masprep can be used up to 5 days to clear the latent infections.
- For chronic high SCC cows, the best practice is 3-4 days prior to drying off a course of antibiotics. Use a good dry-off routine and that cow has then been given best chance to clear for the coming lactation.
Always Remember
If in any doubt consult your veterinarian.
For best results, store in a cool dry place in temperatures between 2 and 8 degrees.
Always use early for best results
This product works because it has these unique advantages:
- Penetration
- Cleanses
- Soothes
- No wastage – Milk can be fed to suckling calves whilst Masprep is being used with no milk.
Please allow 3-5 days lead time for this product.